Why are Doll Brothels so popular in Asia during the epidemic?

Recently, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dongguan, and many other places in China began to appear doll brothels, which is called “emerging industry”.

As long as you search for keywords on an app, you can find out whether there are such doll brothels in your local area.

This kind of brothel uses silicone dolls to offer paid sexual experiences for a price range of $30 to $100.

Except for the condoms and lubricants, the shopkeeper will also provide the snack and drink.

After you place your order, the staff will put the silicone doll in the room for you, heat it with a heating rod, and they're also will be a sounder.

The business of the doll brothels is so hot that even the customer queue for a long while to experience it.

Someone may ask: Is it illegal?

“There is nothing wrong with just experiencing the product," said an official with the Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau. “ But if there is any other illegal behavior during the experience, you can report it to the public security organ.”

In short, sex dolls are not illegal because they are not natural persons.

There are two main reasons why doll brothels are so popular:

1. Legitimate.

2. Mass demand.

Especially for middle-aged men, such as single people and migrant workers from outside the city. The doll brothels effectively solve their physiological needs.

Moreover, during the epidemic, domestic orders for sex dolls are doubling! And sex doll sharing becomes popular among middle-aged men.

Especially for married men. They become more depressed after married because they have to carry too much responsibility and have to deal with too many trifles. So they become more and more sexual repression.

According to a survey by Pan Suiming, a professor at Renmin University’s Institute of Sociology of Sex, asexual marriage accounts for 25 percent of Chinese couples. Eight years later, the figure is conservatively estimated at more than 33%, with urban populations higher than rural populations and large cities higher than small and medium-sized cities. Sociologists said that a couple may live in a marriage without sex if both of them have no physical illness or accident and they have no sex for more than a month.

But is it true that neither of the couples wants sex?

The answer is No.

A woman reader told me earlier that she got up in the middle of the night and was shocked to see her husband masturbating while watching PORN. Because they didn’t have sex in the past 3 months, she natural to assume that neither of them needs to have sex.

Just like Simone in Why Women Kill. After she finds out her husband is gay, she soon has a love affair with a young man. Simone thinks it is normal that the couple didn’t have sex in many years. After all, passion is easy to fade in marriage. But until she meets a young man she realized that sex was so beautiful that people of all ages needed it.

Sex is the most primitive human need, as simple and beautiful as eating and sleeping.

The reason middle-aged men feel they don’t need it is because they’ve been depressed for too long. That’s also the reason why sex doll sharing becomes more and more popular among middle-aged men.

However, there is a safety hazard in the sex doll sharing.

That is, there are no regulations in place, so there is no need for sanitation permits to operate such shops.

If it can be managed properly and be hygienic, it’s good for social stability and even sexual attitudes, and also can help address the physiological needs of specific populations. But if the shopkeepers ignore the health problems for earning money, and fails to regulate its operation, which will lead to the spread of SEXUALLY transmitted diseases.

So, it's better to buy "your own" sex doll. It does not only provide a company ship but also healthy for the user.

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