Sexindoll as a legitimate seller of sex dolls has existed for many years, we insist on original things, but recently we found that someone has stolen our sex doll names, product page, doll pictures with the Sexindoll logo, and covered them with their own logo, even the price imitates Sexindoll which make it look like a sister company of Sexindoll, but please don't be fooled! There is only one official site for Sexindoll! If you want to buy dolls, make sure you visit and not other fake sites, maybe they won't ship or send you a poor quality product!

If you find more fake sites using sexindoll logos or stealing sexindoll pictures or other ideas, please send us a message. Thanks!!

Our progress is inseparable from the support of customers. We will work harder to provide customers with better products and services, and will pay more attention to protecting the rights and interests of customers!

Sexindoll Team
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